O u r w i n e c e l l a r

Percorrere la strada di famiglia, coltivando l’amore per il territorio. La passione per questo lavoro e per la Valpolicella ha dato vita negli anni a prodotti che sono cresciuti insieme all’azienda raccontandone la storia.
È il 1987, quando Stefano Pizzighella decide di acquistare un piccolo frantoio per avviare la produzione dell’olio, sfruttando alcuni ettari di uliveto di famiglia posti sulle colline del piccolo comune di Mezzane di Sotto.


D i s c o v e r i n g t h e o r i g i n s
Cultivating love for the territory while following the family path. The passion for this work and for Valpolicella has given birth, over the years, to products that have grown with the company, telling its story.
In the 1960s, Carlo Pizzighella and Lina Urbani decided to purchase the lands they had already cultivated as sharecroppers, thus starting their own agricultural company of approximately 3-4 hectares.
Stefano Pizzighella was born in 1964 and together with his sisters he began to learn the values of the land and the cultivation of olives, cherries, apricots, and grapes. Stefano decided to return to his land and reclaim what he had left behind, turning it into his dream farm, after experiencing various farming and non-farming activities.

Stefano took over the farm in 1984 and began implementing innovative ideas for the future. By buying unused or never-considered fields for growing grapes and olives, he was able to expand his farm.
In January 1990, Stefano and Giulietta bought a piece of land on the hill called Le Guaite and began to work in the vineyard for the future production of the winery. This vineyard was the starting point for their project to produce Valpolicella, Amarone, and Recioto.
In 1997, Stefano fulfilled one of his aspirations for the company by purchasing a small oil mill to commence oil production with a dedication to excellence in the oil industry.
Between 1999 and 2001, the initial attempts to make Valpolicella started.
Giulietta established the Le Guaite winery in 2002 and produced its inaugural vintage, accompanied by the initial bottles of Valpolicella Superiore, Amarone della Valpolicella, and Recioto.
Valpolicella Ripasso and Solitario (Amandorlato) were produced for the first time in 2006, which resulted in an increase in wine production. In 2008 the first vintage of Thano Igt Rosso Veronese was produced, the expression of Valpolicella and the territory, representing the identity of its soils and the quality of its grapes. Tisbe, a monovarietal that follows Valpolicella’s traditional drying practices, was produced in 2013 using Cabernet Sauvignon from their Le Guaite vineyard. Their classic method of sparkling wine Durello was first assessed in 2018. In 2020, the official vintage of Diverso-Durello’s classic method will be produced.
Currently, the winery is managed by their daughter Noemi Pizzighella, born in 1994, who has followed her parents in the countryside and in the cellar since she was a child, becoming enthusiastic about this work. After years of collaborating with her parents, Noemi decided in 2015 to take over the family business and launch her own project: Le Guaite di Noemi. The name comes from the label her parents dedicated to her, as it was the wine that she loved the most. Le Guaite refers to a ‘place of observation’ or ‘guard post’ where one can observe the surrounding areas. Noemi, who represents the new generation and has a new vision for the family business, chose the name ‘Le Guaite’ for her winery.

O u r w i n e r y r e v e a l s i t s s t o r y
W i n e , a f a m i l y h i s t o r y

The winery is the core of our family, a tangible reminder of our passion and dedication to wine. The blend of history and tradition with modernity creates a place where each bottle is unique and precious. Our family winery is now in its second generation, thanks to our continuous evolution and innovation, which safeguards our wine heritage.

T h e j o u r n e y f r o m t h e v i n e y a r d t o t h e g l a s s o f w i n e
Le Guaite di Noemi stands out for its commitment to the vineyard, with sustainable projects and respect for the vineyard and the grape: this is the only way to bring our products to life. By combining tradition and innovation, we produce wines that best express the terroir of the Mezzane Valley in the picturesque Valpolicella, elevating its features.
Our winery is one of the few that continues to age its wines for 8-10 years before putting them on the market. This allows us to provide our customers with a product that is almost ready to be enjoyed and comprehended in all its nuances. The soil and our vineyards’ great vocation in producing grapes that are suitable for prolonged aging were the driving forces behind this choice. Our wines have an aging potential of more than 20 years after production. We celebrated our 20th anniversary last year by hosting a press-only tasting of our historic vintages. Here is the link to the articles written by the journalists and tasters who participated in this unforgettable experience.

Enjoy our wines
Wine tasting is an experience that stimulates all five senses: sight enchants, scent envelops, taste satisfies, sound engages, and touch gives the final sensory note in connection and attunement with our surroundings and our deepest emotions. Discover our tasting trails, it is time to immerse yourself in a new experience!

Enjoy our wines
Wine tasting is an experience that stimulates all five senses: sight enchants, scent envelops, taste satisfies, sound engages, and touch gives the final sensory note in connection and attunement with our surroundings and our deepest emotions. Discover our tasting trails, it is time to immerse yourself in a new experience!