O u r V a l p o l i c e l l a
M e z z a n e v a l l e y
Take a journey through the wonders of eastern Valpolicella, the Mezzane Valley, a unique landscape of tales, vineyards, olive groves, and excellent wines. Our vineyards are a testament to the continuity of a deep connection with the land and nature itself. As the grapes finish ripening in the September sun, the combination of scents and colors triggers emotions.
The beauty of this valley lies in its authenticity as an unspoiled paradise of farming and ranching, nourished only by the power of nature and far from any form of industrialization.

O u r v i n e y a r d s

Corvina, Rondinella, Corvinone. Our vineyards are brimming with grapes. This is the start of an exciting journey that will result in iconic wines that adorn Valpolicella all over the world.
A tribute to our origins. Our wines are defined by the soil, which is the essence of Le Guaite di Noemi.
The terroir
Y o u w i l l e m b a r k o n a j o u r n e y i n t o t h e h e a r t o f o u r v i n e y a r d s

Our soils
S o i l m a d e o f w h i t e l i m e s t o n e
Due to its high calcium carbonate content, it has a white color and influences wines with a freshness and good acidity.
Our soils
S o i l m a d e o f r o s y l i m e s t o n e

Our soils
B a s a l t i c r o c k
More than just wine
O u r o l i v e t r e e g r o v e
At Le Guaite di Noemi, we are not only a winery, but also own three hectares of centuries-old olive trees that are renowned for their Grignano, Leccio di Corno, and Casaliva varieties. Our oil is made only from hand-picked olives, processed by cold mechanical methods and without the use of chemicals.