O u r T a s t i n g S e s s i o n s

Wine and Olive Oil

B o o k y o u r t a s t i n g

A comprehensive guide to Valpolicella: wine tasting is an art that demands sensitivity and attention, as each sip is an exploration of the territory, vines, and ancient traditions.
Book your tasting today!

Our Tasting Sessions

T a s t e t h e w i n e s o f V a l p o l i c e l l a


T h e t r u e e s s e n c e o f V a l p o l i c e l l a

1 hour
a group size of 2 to 10 people
from Monday to Saturday
Only groups of 6 to 10 people are allowed on Sunday

A tour of the winery that includes the winemaking and aging room, followed by a tasting of 3 wines of your choosing and a selection of local charcuterie and cheeses.

What are the criteria for identifying fine wines? The appearance, the aroma, the smells, the tastes. An evaluation of the quality of wine is based on its intensity and persistence, as well as the sensations it imparts. It is a path designed to introduce you to the oenological excellence of our territory, starting from the soul of Valpolicella: Thano IGT Rosso Veronese, Valpolicella Superiore, Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore, Amarone della Valpolicella.


E m o t i o n s i n t h e g l a s s

2 hours
a group size of 2 to 10 people
from Monday to Saturday Only groups of 6 to 10 people are allowed on Sunday

Guided tour of the winery (including winemaking and aging room) and vineyards, with tastings of 4 wines paired with a selection of local charcuterie and cheeses.

A new way of understanding wine as the narrator of an unpublished story, which tastes of territory and authentic wisdom. A glass of wine is a journey that creates unexplored itineraries of taste. We will guide you through the tasting process by providing information about the production area, grape varieties used, and winemaking methods specific to Valpolicella. The most traditional food pairings will be explained, which will increase your appreciation for the versatility and high quality of Valpolicella wines.

The tasting will consist of: Thano IGT Rosso Veronese, Valpolicella Superiore, Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore, Amarone della Valpolicella.


A t t h e c o r e o f o u r v i n e y a r d s

2 hours and 30 minutes
a group size of 2 to 10 people
from Monday to Saturday
Only groups of 6 to 10 people are allowed on Sunday

Guided tour of the winery (including the wine cellar and ageing room) and vineyards with tasting of the entire range of wines paired with a selection of local cured meats and cheeses, with oils from our own production.

To start, have a glass of Diverso Spumante Classico.

A tasting designed to be a unique sensory experience and a comprehensive overview of Valpolicella, allowing you to discover the distinctive characteristics and high quality of the wines produced in this world-famous area of Veneto. You will have the chance to sample several wines during the tasting, including Valpolicella Superiore, Amarone della Valpolicella, and Recioto della Valpolicella. Although each wine has its own unique characteristics, they all share the qualities of elegance, complexity, and aromatic power.

The tasting will consist of Thano IGT Rosso Veronese, Valpolicella Superiore, Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore, Amarone della Valpolicella, Recioto della Valpolicella, Tisbe IGT Passito Veneto, Solitario IGT Passito Veneto, Diverso Durello.

Our Tasting Sessions

T a s t e o u r l o c a l o i l s


M e m o r i e s o f o u r l a n d a n d s c e n t s o f t h e o l i v e m i l l

1 hour
a group size of 2 to 10 people
from Monday to Saturday
Only groups of 6 to 8 people are allowed on Sundays

A tour of the olive mill is accompanied by a tasting of 3 different oils and fresh bread.

Oil tasting is an experience that combines all senses, but most importantly, it is an emotional journey through nature and the territory. As soon as you bring the glass of oil to your nose, you are immediately enveloped by a fragrance that is both intense and delicate, evoking images of olive groves kissed by the sun and the light breeze of the Mezzane Valley.

When you taste the oil, you immediately get a feeling of fullness and softness in the mouth, accompanied by a fruity and slightly bitter taste depending on the variety of olives. The perfect harmony created by this combination of flavors enables you to discover new combinations and uses for this precious essence. Experience a sensory journey that connects you with the history and culture of oil!

profumi del nostro frantoio degustazione olio in valpolicella

W e i n v i t e y o u t o l i v e L e G u a i t e d i N o e m i t o o

An original idea

G i f t a t a s t i n g v o u c h e r

Would you like to surprise someone with a gift that is both refined and original? Offer them a wine tasting experience! Discover the secrets of our wine and oil as you immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of our winery. The sensory experience of each sip is a journey through history and tradition!